Saturday, April 16, 2011

booby-li-cious cuppies

Interesting piece of works. Divert a bit from my usual requests. I kind of thrilled on this idea it gives me a chance to work on my creativity. A set of birthday cuppies which is price at RM50 inclusive of delivery service. The flavor could be vanilla, buttermilk, chocolate or walnut. Each cup cake will be covered in butter and Fondant icing. Other icing such as Cream cheese would be charge differently. I will also work on a design as requested by customer and it is all for RM50.


  1. You executed my order perfectly Kay!! Hehehe..My friend was so pleased to get this surprise :)

  2. alawa oh... bah buli order lah lbh krg mcm ni nanti kan Carol

  3. Haha Liz.. i loooove ur idea!.. its a fun gift and now i can start d cuppies birthday package..thanks dear..
