Sunday, April 17, 2011

I am a year wiser.....

I did a rendition of Fullmoon cake ( 1 month welcoming baby celebration) last week and this weekend it's the adult turn to celebrate. A 2 tier cake for Yatie's grandma who turn 83 on Saturday. Yatie is actually one of my earliest customer and has since becomes my friend. She introduced me to her family and friends and her favorite cake is the Carrot Walnut Cheese. In fact its this flavor that she and her dad chose for her grandmother's cake.

Yatie's 83rd Birthday Cake

The other cake requested by my sister's best buddy OJ and Ranie. It was a birthday cake for her mom whom turns 56 on Sunday. Her mom is the active member of the Lawn bowl association and an avid player. You guess it right.. OJ wants a lawn ball design and the flavor is butter walnut! It does look simple but i have never seen a real lawn ball before so i google it on the net and copy it as best as i could. I just hope her mom would recognise it as a lawn ball..(sigh..:-))

OJ's Mom birthday cake

Earlier this month I bake a cake for Jasmine's 55 years old hubby Ronald. Jasmine is also one of my earliest customer and she has always supported me on my journey as a baker and is now a good friend of mine. Her husband played tennis and so i designed a tennis court with a giant tennis racket as the net. It's a butter walnut with butter frosting.

Ronald 55 years birthday cake

Yatie, OJ&Ranie and Jasmine thank you for your support!...